Maths Term 3 - Fractions/Multiplication and Division

WALT: Use a range of counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies with whole numbers

Awesome, Charlotte! You have done really well with this topic, you have picked it up quickly and are able to help others. Great work!

Maths Term 3 - Directions

Position and Orientation

Give or follow instructions for movement that involves distances, directions, and half or quarter turns.

Teacher voice; Well done Charlotte, you have a good understanding of directions including half and quarter turns as well as knowing your left from right. Keep practicing!

Writing- Kind, Caring, Kiwi Kids

Ms R's Wonderful Writers- the "Kind, Caring, Kiwi Kids" are running a food drive to support the City Mission. We have practiced and learnt so many writing skills during this inquiry- notetaking, persuasive writing and many other useful skills. Check out our promotional video!