Reading Term 3


Learning Intention: Find and/or remember information in the text I have read to answer questions.

Success Criteria: I will have achieved this when I am able to correctly answer questions based on information I have read.



Learning Intention: Create and perform a sequence of gymnastics actions.

Success Criteria:
I know I am successful when I can work with a buddy to perform a sequence of gymnastics actions in front of our peers.

Maths Term 3 - Fractions/Multiplication and Division

WALT: Use a range of counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies with whole numbers

Awesome, Charlotte! You have done really well with this topic, you have picked it up quickly and are able to help others. Great work!

Maths Term 3 - Directions

Position and Orientation

Give or follow instructions for movement that involves distances, directions, and half or quarter turns.

Teacher voice; Well done Charlotte, you have a good understanding of directions including half and quarter turns as well as knowing your left from right. Keep practicing!

Writing- Kind, Caring, Kiwi Kids

Ms R's Wonderful Writers- the "Kind, Caring, Kiwi Kids" are running a food drive to support the City Mission. We have practiced and learnt so many writing skills during this inquiry- notetaking, persuasive writing and many other useful skills. Check out our promotional video! 

Hub 3 Haka


Relationships (students, school-wide, community) with high expectations

This term we had the opportunity to develop our knowledge of Tikanga Maori as well as learn new kupu. 
We did this through learning a haka. 

Here we are performing!

Term 2 Writing

Term 2 Writing

Learning Intention:

I can organise the way I structure my writing so it is easier to read (e.g., a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end).


I know I am successful when I can use words like (and, because, another and also) effectively.

Term 2 Dance

Click to enlarge


WALT: translate (slide), rotate and reflect a shape

Putting our engineering hats on- in reading!

Kotuku and Koru readers spent a week learning about Cable Cars from the text “Red Rattlers”. To take our knowledge a step further we used Goldiblox engineering equipment and some regular kiwi DIY (tissues and sellotape!) to recreate the rather complex system of how the cable cars are connected and how they work. The children loved seeing their knowledge come to life and were very fascinated with the Goldiblox equipment.